Our Services

Our Clinics and Services

Antenatal Care

As soon as you are aware that you are pregnant, make an appointment with the doctor who will take a history and carry out some general health checks before referring you to a local hospital of your choice. You will be given a shared care programme enlisting subsequent antenatal care.You will be seen regularly throughout your pregnancy either at the practice, by the midwife or at the hospital. We usually refer patients to Croydon University Hospital (Mayday), but please inform the doctor if you wish to be referred to another local hospital


Regular check-ups and advice given regarding inhaler techniques and medication reviews

Blood Pressure Monitoring

Regular monitoring checks with our Practice Nurses

Cervical Smears

The NHS call and recall system invites women who are registered with a GP for cervical screening. This also keeps track of any follow-up investigation and, if all is well, recalls the woman for screening in three to five years time. It is therefore important that all women ensure their GP has their correct name and address.

Find out more about cervical screening on the NHS website

Children Immunisations

Children are invited for immunisations as per the national recommendations.

We also provide 8 week baby check.

Find out more about vaccinations on the NHS website

Diabetic Clinic

Regular check-ups and advice from our diabetic nurse

Family Planning

Contraception (advice, monitoring and prescribing of oral contraceptive pill). More information about contraception is available on the NHS website

Flu Jabs

Recommended for those patients over the age of 65 or suffering from chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or heart and lung conditions.

Find out more about the flu vaccine on the NHS website

Minor Surgery

We provide joint injections

Post-Natal Care

Check-up at 8 weeks post delivery plus contraceptive advice.